Anyway, I did not figure out yet how to use git-cvsimport and git-svn both on the same repository sensibly; and I think git-svn rewriting of the commits doesn't quite make that feasible. But the problem already starts with getting both histories to have a common ancestor. Unfortunately git does not have a null commit as the universal base.
Ok, final approach: Create project base directories (the ttb) in svn, do an git svn clone on that. Separately, use git-cvsimport to get the history from cvs into git. (Caveat: The approach does only handle a single linear history well.) Use git format-patch --root commit to get a series of patches, run those through sed -e (which patches directory names as well as imports and package declarations). Then apply (git-am) the resulting commits in the git-svn repository, and git-svn dcommit them. Done.
Except that my link to the svn repository isn't exacly fast at the moment (roundtrip at about a second), and the 60 commits took two hours. svn does not seem to like slow links; a simple tag operation (svn cp trunk tag/some) on a small thingy took me more than a minute over GPRS once.
Here's the complete commands:
mkdir myproj-cvs
cd myproj-cvs
git-cvsimport -p x -v -k -a -d :pserver:krey@localhost:/opt/cvs mystuff/myproj
git-format-patch -o out --root `cat .git/refs/heads/master`
mkdir mod
cd out
for i in *.patch; do sed -e s:company_name:companyname:g $i >../mod/$i; done
cd ../..
svn mkdir http://localhost:4080/repos/mystuff/myproj -m 'base dir'
svn mkdir http://localhost:4080/repos/mystuff/myproj/trunk -m 'trunk dir'
git-svn clone -s http://localhost:4080/repos/mystuff/myproj
cd myproj
git am ~/myproj-cvs/mod/*
git svn dcommit